Luteete Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kyampisi, in Uganda with over 819 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bukedi Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bukedi Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Atiri, in Uganda with over 319 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Labira Girls Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Labira Girls Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Labira Parish, in Uganda with over 194 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Amolatar Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Amolatar Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Apelepe Ward, in Uganda with over 434 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
St Mary Assumpta Senior Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
St Mary Assumpta Senior Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Pereci, in Uganda with over 570 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Kahondo Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Kahondo Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Rugarama, in Uganda with over 143 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Light College Ngora 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Light College Ngora is a Partnership Secondary School in Southern Ward, in Uganda with over 340 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bata Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bata Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Aderolongo, in Uganda with over 516 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
12 Bomet County Medics Test COVID-19 Negative after Attending a Deceased Positive Patient
After a long wait of speculations and worry in Bomet County, it is now confirmed that the 12 Medics who who came in contact with the patient who passed on of Covid-19…
Pongdwongo Oxfard 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Pongdwongo Oxfard is a Partnership Secondary School in Pongdwongo, in Uganda with over 455 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows: