Kapyoyon High School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kabyoyon, in Uganda with over 618 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Tag: 2020 UCE Results
St Lawrence Standard High School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
St Lawrence Standard High School is a Partnership Secondary School in Bigasa, in Uganda with over 633 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Kyemeire International Voc Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Kyemeire International Voc Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Nankoma, in Uganda with over 426 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bugisu Prog. Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bugisu Prog. Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Nakaloke, in Uganda with over 611 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Busaana Central Senior Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Busaana Central Senior Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Namirembe, in Uganda with over 0 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Butawuka Magezi Ntake 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Butawuka Magezi Ntake is a Government Aided Secondary School in Butawuka, in Uganda with over 929 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
St Paul Secondary School Mbulamuti 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
St Paul Secondary School Mbulamuti is a Government Aided Secondary School in Mbulamuti, in Uganda with over 979 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Namakwa Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Namakwa Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kyabalogo, in Uganda with over 531 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bwijanga Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bwijanga Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kahembe, in Uganda with over 489 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Standard Secondary School Katakwi 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Standard Secondary School Katakwi is a Partnership Secondary School in Nothern Ward, in Uganda with over 254 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows: