Universal High School is a Partnership Secondary School in Naluwerere, in Uganda with over 557 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Musese Secondary School Ool 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Musese Secondary School Ool is a Government Aided Secondary School in Musese, in Uganda with over 1213 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Uganda Martyrs Secondary School Buyoga 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Uganda Martyrs Secondary School Buyoga is a Government Aided Secondary School in Maleku, in Uganda with over 314 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Kabulasoke Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Kabulasoke Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Butiti, in Uganda with over 130 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Lagoro Seed Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Lagoro Seed Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Laber Parish-Raa-Okun Village, in Uganda with over 207 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
St Elizabeth’s Girls Senior Secondary School Kidetok 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
St Elizabeth’s Girls Senior Secondary School Kidetok is a Government Aided Secondary School in Akumoi, in Uganda with over 531 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Kihanda Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Kihanda Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kihanda, in Uganda with over 348 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bukalagi Uganda Martyrs Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bukalagi Uganda Martyrs Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Ssaali, in Uganda with over 220 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bugongi Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bugongi Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kigarama, in Uganda with over 561 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Bukasa Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Bukasa Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Buzingo, in Uganda with over 68 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows: