Orum Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Barodugu Ward, in Uganda with over 505 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Ococia Girls Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Ococia Girls Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Ococia, in Uganda with over 408 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Mukura Mem. Senior Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Mukura Mem. Senior Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Okunguro, in Uganda with over 1314 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
St Thomas Aquinas Isingiro 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
St Thomas Aquinas Isingiro is a Partnership Secondary School in Central Ward, in Uganda with over 273 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Kinoni Integrated Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Kinoni Integrated Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Kinoni, in Uganda with over 759 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
St Michael Ondramacaku Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
St Michael Ondramacaku Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Anzu, in Uganda with over 245 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Ntwetwe Citizen Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Ntwetwe Citizen Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Ntwetwe Centre, in Uganda with over 826 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Country Side Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Country Side Secondary School is a Partnership Secondary School in Namungalwe, in Uganda with over 929 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Pallisa Secondary School 2020 UCE/UACE Results, Location, Facilities, and Enrollment
Pallisa Secondary School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Kaucho, in Uganda with over 1387 students. The 2020 UCE and UACE exam results are as follows:
Top Schools in Kalaki District 2020 UCE Results
Kalaki District UCE 2020 Exams Results: 1. Vikings High School 2. Eastland Comprehensive SS 3. 3.18% 4. Olomet SS 5. 2.65%